Cool Like You
Way cooler than Vanilla Ice. But definitely not as cool as NathanfromMerced
Friday, September 26, 2003

friday again

Yup, its friday again, and I'm staring at the monitor, wondering where my week went again, smiling tiredly again and getting ready to climb into my honda civic and drive home again.

there's a song by blur called "ernold same" that hits me in the right spot today - about a guy who wakes up in the same mood every morning, on the same side of the bed, takes the same shower, dresses in the same clothes, has the same breakfast, takes the same train to work, sits in the same seat with the same ugly stain, next to same old what's his name, and he does the same thing again and again and again.

Well, it doesn't rhyme for us Americans, but if you say again like a Brit, then it works pretty well.

Grandaddy played here just last Saturday - god that seems so long ago - I had a weekend to remember last weekend, or a weekend to forget, or whatever. i scared the shit out of myself on saturday night, well, i wasn't scared until i woke up sunday morning and remembered what i did - it wasn't anything bad, or wrong, more a little joke that could've turned out horribly. but the grandaddy show was bad-ass, as usual. can't say the 5 dollar beers were too welcome, but they went down easier than the five bucks came up.

this sunday is RADIOHEAD at coors amphitheatre. i somehow weaseled my way into a pit ticket, which means that i'll be right down front by the stage with 100 other lucky ducks, and the other 10,000 people at the sold out show can't leave their sections.

boo yah, grandma. boo yah.


posted at 5:30 PM by Blogger

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